april 21st 2008.   some information in the :| further reading |: and :| web |: sections added.

nekton falls is now present at myspace: www.myspace.com/nektonfalls. we hope this will spread more information about the project and connect artists. thanks, toby!

march 31st 2008.   the short animated documentary "the luminous deep", created by amy scott-murray and kevin adams, premieres tomorrow at the aberdeen maritime museum. the film's content is related to our nekton falls project and is scored by seetyca with the help of achim reisdorf. for screening dates and more info see theluminousdeep.com.

july 19th 2007.   nekton falls arrived at the e/i-mag. read their interesting reflections on it: "[...]Frankly, almost too much of Nekton Falls runs this course; in addition to contributing the frequency play "Benthos_A," Seetyca sees fit to insert meaningless intros, outros, and interludes alongside every track. Drone can transition on its own just fine, thankyouverymuch, [...]. This is not a compilation without immediate bright spots for different fandoms, but it more often seems hopelessly adrift—if not ready to sink under its own weight. (AB)".

you can find the full review in our reference section.

july 7th 2007.   the adverse effect fanzine was kind enough to review nekton falls. here's what they think: "[...] Getting back to the point, however, there's nothing weak on here and, well, if I have any complaints they are only towards the choice of typography used on the artwork [...]. These aside, it's otherwise possibly the most satisfying collection of `psycho-ambient' music I've heard in a considerable while. Nice (RJ)".

read the full review in our reference section.

may 9th 2007.   three more pieces from nekton falls found airing time on framework (resonance104.4fm) on may 9th. this time contributions from mnortham, franziska baumann and roel meelkop were chosen.

april 25th 2007.   three pieces from our nekton falls compilation were airplayed on framework (resonance104.4fm) on april 25th. contributions from das synthetische mischgewebe, yannick dauby and blærp were chosen. more to follow?
learn more about resonance104.4fm.

by the way, a new event added in the web section.

december 12th 2006.   ambient wizzard mystified has reviewed nekton falls for us:

"Being underwater-- listening to this 3 cd set is literally like being submerged-- from the sound of the individual tracks to the editing and overall sound design to the graphics on the package. Definitely find yourself in a place good for immersion-- a stereo with strong woofers or a nice pair of headphones. The project begins with a series of deep synth tones, then moves into a rendering of aquatic audio-- audio as tonal reverbation sources-- very beautiful. Here begins a meandering through several pieces, some more tonal, others more abstract, each evoking a submerged loveliness.
Listening, you will find influences through this project that are electronic, chant-based, phonographic, analog, digital, and everywhere in between.
Rather than selecting individual tracks for comment, I would rather stress that there is a strength in this project from unity of vision-- where the ideas of the curators are magically taken up by the artists and successfully achieved. I can attest to reaching a calm sense of dark wonder after listening to these tracks, and can recommend the cd set to fans of immersive listening as being, at the very least, as effective as Steve Roach's "Immersion" recordings."

Thomas Park, Mystified

october 30th 2006.   nekton falls arrived on vital weekly:

[...] This compilation is set against an ambitious conceptual background, that incorporates ideas from various scientific disciplines and combines environmental concerns with a fascination for the incredible depths of the oceans. These references are centered around an interest in interrelating processes between living organisms and their surroundings, as it is indicated by the title "Nekton Falls"[...]
[...]A background like that of course hints towards dark stretched out sounds and field recordings of water, and this is exactly what you get for the most part of the three CDs, plus some rhythm-based tracks and grainy digital textures.[...]

read the full review in our reference section.

october 15th 2006.   1st nekton falls is on the way. dirk hoffmann from music mag zillo gave it a listen:

[...]Der Wasser-Thematik entsprechend sind die Soundscapes auf den drei CDs kaum von rhythmischen Strukturen gezeichnet, sondern von fließender, leicht rauschender Natur, als würde man tatsächlich Musik unter Wasser lauschen. Die von Seetyca kreierten Intros, Outros und Interludes zwischen jedem Stück sorgen dabei für einen durchgehenden, sehr kohärent wirkenden Entspannungs-Soundtrack, der genügend Raum zum Sinnieren und Träumen bietet.[...]

the full review you can find in the december edition of zillo.

september 2006.   this site announces the official wordwide release of nekton falls. this amazing 3 cd project featuring 26 artists from 10 countries is a co-production of sonic dragon records [hong kong], on_lap records [germany/switzerland] and mbira records [germany]. it is released by sonic dragon records.

september 10th 2006.   new nekton falls project site launched.

this is the official site of the nekton falls ambient project. we offer information about this project, its concept and its artists. for those who want to do further reading on the scientific background of our project we have a lot of literature, a glossary and useful links.
you will find all news and reviews related to nekton falls here.
and: your feedback is appreciated! feel free to drop us a note at info@nekton-falls.org

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